Sunday, January 20, 2013

2012 Golden Lightsaber Introduction

Welcome to the first annual (hopefully) Golden Lightsaber Awards for my blog, Reviews from the Dark Side.  I have seen and reviewed many movies in 2012 and felt this was the next logical step. 

My awards will be a little different than the Oscars, Golden Globes, etc.  Of course there are no actual Golden Lightsabers, so the awards are strictly metaphorical.  There will be only six categories.  “The Majors” so to speak.   So there will be nominees and winners for Best Actor/Supporting Actor, Best Actress/Supporting Actress, Best Director, and Best Movie.  There will be as many/few nominees as I feel are deserving.  Now there’s one thing I’ve never understood about the Oscars.  How can the best director not direct the best movie of the year?  It has happened.  The director is primarily responsible for how a film is constructed and how it flows.  So, for as long as I write this blog, there will be no drama as to what I believe is the best movie of the year.  The best director winner will tell you what it is.  This is how I will present the nominees and winners to you.  Best Supporting Actor nominees will start the process.   The nominees will be allowed to sink in for 24 hours and the winner will be announced the next day along with the next category of nominees.  The nominees for Best Director/Movie will be made on the same day/night. 

Now, how were the nominees determined?  They’re based on reviews from the Dark Side blog and movies seen on DVD.  The nominee selection is limited to 2012 films.  There are over 40 reviews on Dark Side of 2012 movies I’ve seen in theaters.  You will see some surprise nominations for films I have not formally reviewed.  I made the decision a few months ago that I will reserve the main blog for movies seen in the theaters for a couple of different reasons.  One, there’s that whole full-time job thing that limits my time and this is something I do for fun (although I wouldn’t mind being a full-time critic).  Two, while writing the reviews is fun, it is a process for me and takes some doing to formulate my thoughts and add them to paper (or computer in this case).  Also keep in mind the nominees only come from movies I have actually seen.  While I’m sure Lincoln is a fine film and Daniel Day-Lewis gives his usual stellar performance, I haven’t seen it and will not likely see it prior to making my nominations.  Therefore, it’s not fair to that film or the other films I have seen to comment how good or bad it is. 

So there you have it.  The first nominations will be made on February 16.  As in the Dark Side blog, I welcome comments, opinions, and healthy debate.  Keep in mind, these nominations are only one person’s opinions.  Let’s keep everything friendly because this is only a discussion about movies.  Let’s have some fun!

Please see Darth Vengeance's original reviews at 
Blog name:  Reviews From the Dark Side