Josh Brolin (Young Agent K)/Men In Black 3- It’s absolutely
uncanny the way Brolin channeled the younger version of Tommy Lee Jones’ crusty
character. He must have followed Jones
around 24/7 watching every last nuance of his mannerisms and voice inflections.
Tom Hiddleston (Loki)/Marvel’s the Avengers- Hiddleston
plays the Trickster God with twisted, evil glee. You’re actually happy when the Hulk viciously
pounds him. Speaking of which…
Mark Ruffalo (Bruce Banner/The Hulk)/Marvel’s the Avengers- Mark
Ruffalo finally gives the audience the definitive movie Hulk. Something Eric Bana couldn’t do. Something Edward Norton wasn’t bad at. Ruffalo’s timid scientist-turned- green rage
monster is what this character will be measured against from now on.
Tom Cruise (Stacee Jaxx)/Rock of Ages- Cruise may be as
crazy as a road lizard in real life but there’s no denying he is a good actor
capable of taking on a variety of different roles. As the world weary, spaced out rocker, Stacee
Jaxx, he is by far the most watchable character in a very forgettable
musical. And, he can actually carry a
Jason Statham (Lee Christmas)/The Expendables 2- Amidst all
the madcap chaos in both movies, Statham’s character seems the least like a
caricature. Christmas is fast and deadly
with a wry sense of humor that doesn’t make you want to constantly roll your
eyes. I know Statham has no formal
martial arts training, but his fight scenes always pop.
Leonardo DiCaprio (Calvin Candie)/Django Unchained- With all
due respect to Christoph Waltz who does give a more than credible performance
in this film, it is DiCaprio who has the outstanding part here. A gross oversight by the Academy. DiCaprio gives one of the best performances,
if not, THE best performance of his career as the charismatic, but brutal
plantation owner dealing in slave fighting and prostitution. Leo breaks from his norm here and is
outstanding doing so.
Samuel L. Jackson (Stephen)/Django Unchained- Jackson at his
snarling, foul-mouthed best as Calvin Candie’s traitorous house slave.
Tom Hardy (Bane)/The Dark Knight Rises- It’s no secret that
I have some issues with this film (although I have softened toward it upon a
second viewing). Hardy’s intelligent
portrayal of this hulking anarchist is one of the best parts of TDKR. And anything that makes you forget about Joel
Schumaker’s Bane is aces in my book.
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